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Your bike takes you on adventures filled with thrill and excitement. The heart of your bike – its engine – plays a crucial role in being a loyal companion to you on your trips. You should reward it with the best engine oil available in the market as it needs the right care to perform at its peak and stay strong for years to come. Your engine is…

The most important component of engine oil is base oil. Base oils are categorized into 5 groups. The highest category of base oil, Group 5 oil contains ester compounds. Ester compounds exhibit remarkable lubrication properties making them invaluable in high-performance applications like jet engines, wind turbines, and racing cars where failure isn’t an option. Savsol Ester 5 is an ester-infused engine oil, engineered with the revolutionary Ester Fluid…

The engine is the heart of your bike. Maximizing your engine’s lifespan is crucial for a smooth and enjoyable ride. However, to ensure that your engine has a longer life, it is essential to maintain it. There are several key factors that affect the longevity of your engine such as using the right engine oil, regular maintenance, oil changes, etc. Consider this a roadmap to your engine’s longevity.…

The health and performance of your engine heavily depend on the engine oil you choose. With challenges like engine heat, friction-related wear, and deposit buildup, it’s essential to use high-quality engine oil. Enter Savsol Ester 5, a revolutionary ester-infused engine oil designed to combat these issues while ensuring peak performance for your bike or car. Esters stand out as versatile and effective components, offering a myriad of benefits…

From the plethora of engine oils available in the market, it can be difficult to choose the right one for your engine. This confusion can stem from the lack of understanding about the available options and how the engine responds to the oils and lubricants. You may be dealing with sluggish performance, concerned about fuel consumption, or dreading the harsh noises or the most common issue of overheating…

Have you ever checked your engine oil and noticed it has turned black? While it’s a common occurrence, many drivers are left wondering if it’s a sign of trouble. The truth is, black engine oil can reveal a lot about your vehicle’s engine condition and performance. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why engine oil turns black, what it means for your car or bike, and how…